Consulting services and cultural productions for diversity & gender projects


What do we do?

We make your project related to diversity and gender a reality.

Since 2018 we have been working to support organisations and individuals, to eliminate gender biases through the transformation of ideas and research, developing equality plans, protocols against harassment, research reports, training, exhibitions, cultural actions and other types of acts and events.

When we have to define ourselves, we usually do it by saying that we are a consultancy of proximity, because we are a small company, formed by an involved team and we understand that in order to do our work better, we have to establish a link and direct contact with the entities, institutions, companies or people who contact us. This allows us to ensure that the result of our work will be a tailor-made and personalised product that meets the particular needs of the entity or person we are working with.

We take care of all the phases of the project: from the initial approach to the final product; from the case study to the dissemination of results; the organisation of an event, training or the communication strategy. We take care of the detail without losing sight of the overall project.

One of LaGroc’s strengths is the interrelation of two main areas of expertise.


Consultancy and studies

We prepare studies, reports, equality plans and harassment protocols and provide training on gender equality and diversity for public bodies, private companies and third-sector organisations.

Our methodology is adapted to the needs of each request, always from an intersectional and critical approach, where the different variables are crossed to obtain a diagnosis that enables us to design the most appropriate projects and actions.

We support the communication and dissemination of the results of the research, diagnosis or strategic consultancy carried out, by means of graphic design, audiovisual production or other communication proposals.

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About us

We are an interdisciplinary team with different backgrounds and professional experiences, who share the values of honesty, rigour and commitment to social transformation.

We have long-standing experience in project coordination, gender equality and diversity policies, and we like to innovate and keep up to date with developments so that we can offer the best response to the most current needs.

Our values

We are a company that respects people and the environment. We take care of our team and the people we collaborate with –whether sporadically or on a regular basis– treating them with respect and recognition.

We believe in real equality between people, regardless of their sex, gender, age, functional diversity, origin or any other difference that characterises and enriches us.

Therefore, at LaGroc we have measures for gender equality and measures against sexual harassment and discrimination on grounds of gender identity and sexual orientation.

We like collaborating

Each project requires a specific team in order to obtain the best results. We study your idea, proposal or problem, and we propose the best team of professionals to respond to it, collaborating with other prestigious professionals and teams with whom we share values, especially with cooperatives, small companies and professionals.

Who we work with

We work with public administrations, private and public companies, cooperatives and third-sector organisations, associations and foundations.

Some of the institutions that have trusted in LaGroc are:

The LaGroc blog was born during the COVID-19 confinement, and we christened it LabGroc.

We thought it would be a good idea to create a new space on the website, like a virtual laboratory where we could share the projects and ideas we’re working on, articles and news related to our work… and whatever else comes up!

Follow us on social networks to keep up to date with our publications.

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Would you like to work with us?

If you are enthusiastic about our project and would like to join our team, please contact us.