Èlia Jornet i Culubret

Project manager

I have a degree in Business Administration and Management and in Political Science and Administration from Pompeu Fabra University. To broaden my knowledge of the evaluation of public policies with a gender perspective, I am currently taking the postgraduate course ‘The gender perspective in public policies and projects: conceptual and methodological tools’, run by the College of Professionals in Political Science and Sociology of Catalonia (COLPIS).

I enjoy working on projects related to research and case analysis, and try to bring an intersectional and critical perspective to everything I do.

Outside of work, in addition to reading and enjoying good food, I like to get involved in different projects. I currently collaborate as an assistant in the ‘Feminisms’ area of the Ateneo Barcelonés association. 

“Culture is the longest-term political option.”
Montserrat Roig

Would you like to work with us?

If you are enthusiastic about our project and would like to join our team, please contact us.