Making the invisible visible

For many people, history is a science that studies the past and tries to explain what social changes have occurred over time. For this reason, it ends up playing a transcendental role, since it allows us to know who we are and where we came from, and in this way, to value that many of the privileges and rights obtained are thanks to the sacrifices and struggles of others.

One of the indisputable social evidences is that what is not spoken about in public does not exist. And this is what has happened with the figure, history and life of women, who are constantly relegated to the background, in terms of their participation in social, political and cultural life, as well as in the moments considered relevant in the history of humanity. For this reason, recovering their memory is important and essential in order to see and understand the fundamental role that they have played in history and to emphasise that the participation of women in public and in private life has been, is and will always be essential.

One of the indisputable social evidences is that what is not spoken about in public does not exist. And this is what has happened with the figure, history and life of women, who are constantly relegated to the background, in terms of their participation in social, political and cultural life, as well as in the moments considered relevant in the history of humanity. For this reason, recovering their memory is important and essential in order to see and understand the fundamental role that they have played in history and to emphasise that the participation of women in public and in private life has been, is and will always be essential.

By studying the most recent historical memory, we have the opportunity to rescue the testimonies of various women who, when history was being written, were totally forgotten and silenced. In this way, thanks to all these stories and new documents provided, it is possible to complement and see other visions and opinions that cannot be found in books. Many of these reflect the capacity to survive, to struggle, to resist and to overcome in difficult moments, also in everyday life and beyond, and they give an insight into the various strategies and organisation that made it possible to build group identities in the past.

One of the most important elements to consider is that we are currently in a period of time in which it is still possible to collect living testimonies to complement part of our contemporary history, and to be able to make an oral transfer of knowledge and experiences between generations of women.

For this reason, at the local level, it is necessary to begin the task of recovering documentation, photographs, objects and stories that are often not found in the archives, since they have not been considered of interest, with the main objective that in the future they will be protected and that the history of women can be known more deeply.

Some of the initiatives that have been carried out to give prominence to women’s stories are:

  • Exhibition “Santa Coloma violeta: the women’s strength: This exhibition is a tribute to the women’s movement in the different neighbourhoods of Santa Coloma and to the Coordinating Committee of the women’s groups in the municipality. It shows the life of women since the beginning of the women’s movement in Santa Coloma over 25 years ago and how it has contributed to the improvement of the city. As part of the exhibition, two documentaries with interviews and archive material can be seen.
  • Exhibition Margarita Rivière, made to the Association of Journalists of Catalonia. The main objective was to vindicate the figure of one of the first journalists with a position of responsibility in Barcelona, who, thanks to her long career, opened the way for many women.
  • The exhibition “Let’s look at the past through women’s eyes“, by Isabel Segura in the French space Bonnemaison, where the author wanted to reconstruct from a collection of photographs the ideas about what women did in the last century.
  • “Powerful Women” exhibition, with photographs by the photojournalist Joan Guerrero and presented at the CIBA, the space of resources for women, innovation and feminist economy of Santa Coloma de Gramenet. This is an exhibition of photographs of women in the city, making visible the work of priests and paid workers, the demand for rights and the occupation of public space, among others.

It is for all these reasons that now is the time to start recovering women’s memories and stories, both at the local and corporate levels. If you find this proposal interesting, do not hesitate to contact us at to carry out this project tailored to your needs.

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