Which companies should have an equality plan?

Equality between people is a fundamental principle within the Declaration of Human Rights and therefore is a right that must also be guaranteed in the field of work.

What is an equality plan?

An equality plan is a set of ordered measures, proposed after the diagnosis of the company, aimed at eliminating the barriers that limit and hinder equal opportunities between men and women and discrimination based on sex within the workplace. The applicability of this plan is global, since it is the same for all the members of the company.

What did we say about the law?

The equality plans will be defined on 22nd march by the Organic Law 3/2007 , which requires companies with more than 250 employees to have an equality plan. However, on 7 March 2019 its application will be extended, as a  Royal Decree Law 6/2019 will be publishes in the Official State Gazette, specifying various measures for urgent compliance, in order to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities for women and men in the workplace in companies with a smaller number of workers.

Since the change in the law, the equality plan is compulsory for companies:

What are the new changes in relation to equality plans? [1]

Since July of this year, the changes approved in the new law for labour equality have been implemented, which establishes the following elements:

  1. New regulations on equal pay in all enterprises, regardless of size, must have a wage register by pay grade and gender that includes wages and allowances. In this case, there cannot be a (formally unjustified) difference of more than 25%.
  2. Obligation to agree on equality plans with the works council or trade union representatives.
  3. Obligatory registration to the register of agreements (Regcon)

What is the consequence of non-compliance with the law?[2]

Non-compliance with the law can have a negative impact on the company, based on two types of economic sanctions:

Mild and severe sanction (between 626€ and 6,250€)
Very serious sanction (between 6,251€and 187,515€)

Moreover, not only are the problems economic, but some are reported as well:

Loss of any aid, subsidy or bonus that the company may receive.
Impediment to work with the public administration.

What are the advantages of having an equality plan?

An equality plan must be seen as a competitive advantage and a differentiating element that can bring about a radical change in the company’s situation.

As we mentioned in the article: + Igualtat + Talent+Rentabilitat, in the first place, parity has a positive impact on the economic results of the company,[3] since it has been studied that those that have implemented measures to achieve greater equality obtain an increase in profitability and productivity [4].  Secondly, it also improves talent management, as it is a good tool to improve the working climate, the motivation of the teams and the commitment of the workers towards the company [5]. Thirdly, having these equality measures improves the external image and public recognition by customers and competitors [6]. Finally, one of the advantages it also brings is the establishment of contracts with public authorities. 

What support can be requested for the implementation of an equality plan?[7]

At regional level, the Department of Social Affairs and Families of the Generalitat, will allocate 500,000 euros to promote equal opportunities within companies. This aid is divided between:

450,000 for the implementation of the equality plan
50,000 for training, consultancy and tool creation

This aid may be granted to firms with between 10 and 149 employees in these amounts:

2,000 for companies with between 10 and 19 workers.
3,000 for companies with between 20 and 49 workers.
4,000 for companies with between 50 and 99 working people.
5,000 for companies with between 100 and 149 working people

So what are you waiting for to see these changes within your company? Don’t hesitate to send and email for wore information to lagroc@lagroc.com



[3]Hausmann, R., Tyson, L. D. A., & Zahidi, S. (2012, August). The global gender gap report 2012. Geneva: World Economic Forum.





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