Training: Cultural associations and gender, tools for transformation

From cultural associations, we have long been reflecting on the issue of gender equality and the importance of entities being spaces for equal participation and free of sexist violence.

That is why, together with the Area of popular culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya, it was decided to organize a set of training days aimed at popular culture entities to work on organizational culture from a feminist perspective and introduce the gender perspective in its activity and internal functioning.

These were carried out in different regions of Catalonia, and in each of them two sessions of 4 hours each were held. The cities where these sessions were organized were:

  • Vilanova i la Geltrú
  • Girona
  • Sant Feliu de Llobregat

General and specific objectives

The main objective of this training on cultural associations and gender was to offer tools for the self-diagnosis of the entities and to accompany them in learning to be able to develop measures for equality and protocols against sexist violence.

The specific objectives of the training were to:

  • Offer a common basis to entities on gender equality and basic concepts on the subject
  • Learn to apply the gender perspective in projects
  • Carry out a self-diagnosis exercise to be able to detect what are the strengths and weaknesses of the entities
  • Improve internal and external communication to be inclusive and non-sexist


Finally, methodologically, the theoretical content of the sessions was accompanied by dynamic and participatory activities with the main idea of practicing the concepts worked on in the classroom. The main reason for implementing this technique is that by practicing, the concepts, definitions and examples worked on in the classroom yield more easily, increasing learning and encouraging teamwork. In addition, it was also promoted to create an environment where doubts, problems and exchange experiences between entities could be resolved.

Generalitat de Catalunya - 2023

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