Training for the incorporation of the gender perspective into cultural programming in the City Council of Granollers

Talking about culture and gender and betting on introducing the gender perspective in the cultural programming of a city is a pending task in most of the cities around us. Women are the majority users of cultural actions but, until recently, they were a minority in the decision-making of public policies and the management of large facilities and events. On the other hand, even in the twenty-first century, women’s cultural production is not given visibility and the gender perspective is not applied in most cultural programming.

That is why we are going to design a personalized training in face-to-face format and a total of 12 hours. This was aimed at the technical staff of the different municipal cultural facilities in order to work on how to incorporate the gender perspective in the cultural programming of the city.


The main objectives of this training were:

  • Raise awareness of basic concepts about the inequality in terms of culture and gender
  • Laying the foundations for gender mainstreaming in local cultural policies
  • Know and design tools and strategies for the incorporation of the gender perspective in cultural programming


Some of the contents that were worked on are the following:

  • Basic concepts: glass ceiling, sticky floor, feminization of professions
  • Parity versus gender perspective
  • Tools, strategies and experiences for incorporating parity in cultural programming
  • Tools, strategies and experiences for gender mainstreaming in cultural programming
  • Good practices at the level of public policies


Methodologically, the theoretical content of the training sessions was accompanied by dynamic and participatory activities with the main idea of practicing the concepts worked on in the classroom. The main reason for implementing this technique is that with practical activities learning is increased and teamwork is encouraged.

Granollers City Council - 2022

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