Evaluation of the local protocol for the integral approach to gender-based violence of Arenys de Mar

Evaluation of the second local protocol for the integral approach to gender-based violence in the municipality of Arenys de Mar. This protocol was developed in 2017 based on a multidimensional vision of gender-based violence and the coordinated work of the agents that are part of the Protocol network.


The objective was to carry out a study and diagnosis of the resources and needs of the services present in the network of the local Protocol for the integral approach to gender-based violence in Arenys de Mar so that it is adapted to the local reality from all aspects: prevention, care, intervention and awareness-raising.


To achieve the objective, a planned process of different phases was developed.

Firstly, a documentary review and analysis of several documents was carried out -of the Protocol itself, as well as other documents that contextualize it and expose the current situation of Arenys de Mar with respect to male violence, such as, for example, the minutes of the meetings of the network-.

Secondly, contact was established with the different actors and services participating in the protocol network. Semi-structured interviews were then conducted with each of the members of the network with whom we were able to establish contact. The aim of the interviews was to find out their perception of the protocol and its operation, as well as to detect and evaluate which aspects needed to be strengthened and which should be maintained with a view to drafting a new protocol.

Thirdly, the interviews were analyzed and all the documents mentioned in them were reviewed.

Lastly, all the information gathered was compiled and a document was drawn up containing the diagnosis and proposed actions to address the shortcomings detected.

Ajuntament Arenys de Mar - 2022

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