Currently, the City Council of Arenys de Mar, has a protocol for addressing sexist violence, which was evaluated last year to have the basis to draft a new one. However, what they detected is that they lacked tools for the detection of sexist violence.
Aware of the importance of being able to offer a transversal management of the different situations of sexist violence that can occur in the municipality, it was decided to carry out this face-to-face training of a total of 4 and a half hours.
The target audience of the training were mainly the people of direct attention to the public and the municipal staff of Arenys de Mar. The main cause of this selection is that they are referents within the municipality and therefore, it is essential that they have tools to detect cases of sexist violence and act as detailed in the current protocol.
General and specific objectives
The main objective of this training was to train on sexist violence and how to detect it, as well as the operation of the local protocol for prevention and action on this issue.
The specific objectives of the training were to:
- Offer a common basis on gender equality and gender-based violence
- Provide tools to detect possible cases of sexist violence in their daily work
- Know the operation of the local and regional protocol for prevention and action against sexist violence
- Improve the transversal work between the different municipal areas for the prevention, detection and referral of cases of sexist violence.
Main contents
Some of the contents that were covered in the training were the following:
- Key concepts: sex-gender difference, gender socialization, gender mainstreaming…
- Sexist violence: what we are talking about when we talk about sexist violence, what the legal framework says at Catalan and Spanish level, different tools and methods for detection and accompaniment, among others.
- Local and regional protocol against sexist violence: what it is, how it works and how to refer cases.
Methodologically, the theoretical content of the session was accompanied by dynamic and participatory activities with the main idea of practicing the concepts worked on in the classroom. The main reason for implementing this technique is that with practical activities learning is increased and teamwork is encouraged.
If you want to know more about this topic, we recommend you read the article we published in LabGroc on Violence against women