Due to the increase in mass activities such as concerts and major festivals during the summer, the Department of Culture and Equality and Feminisms decided to create a communication campaign to promote the prevention of male violence in leisure and public spaces.
That is why, in collaboration with the cooperative La Pera, we will work with the #MachismDoesNotParty campaign, which focuses on the culture of consent, respect, community and the diversity of interpersonal relationships that occur in a festive and playful context such as popular festivals, concerts or festivals.
The campaign consists of different materials that are made available to the organizations of the events (companies, entities, public institutions …) so that they spread the message of the parties with consent, respect, diversity, in community among the people who attend.
Especially, from LaGroc we are going to take care of the writing of the content of the postcards. It was decided to make four different postcards with the four words that characterize this campaign: diversity, community, respect and consent. The idea that was followed was to create a definition to contextualize what each of them wanted to say and these were accompanied by a series of recommendations in order to promote inclusive parties free of sexist violence. Finally, the postcards were also used to include information of important relevance, such as the telephone number of 900 900 120 in case they live or see any type of sexist violence or 112 for any emergency situation.

Finally, we also took care of the writing of the voice spots that will be played throughout the festive activities and all the advice and review of all the campaign materials in order to ensure that they had a gender perspective and that they did not reproduce stereotypes or any type of discrimination.
If you want to see all the materials of the campaign #MachismDoesNotParty you can see them below: