This project consisted of a consultancy and training service aimed at implementing some of the actions agreed in the Gender Equality Plan for the staff of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. The two main objectives were as follows:
- To deepen the organisational diagnosis in terms of equality and to annually review and evaluate the impact of the measures established.
- To carry out a study on the gender pay gap in the AMB’s staff.
In order to achieve these two main objectives, this project was divided into different phases:
Phase 1: Updating of the organisational diagnosis on gender equality.
The main objective of this phase was to complete and update the organisational diagnosis that had been made in order to incorporate new corrective measures and new actions of the equality plan.
In order to carry out this diagnosis, the first step was to collect information and data, both qualitative and quantitative. In order to obtain this more qualitative information, an extensive questionnaire was drawn up for all the institution’s staff. Once all these data were extracted, they were analysed from a gender perspective and presented in the form of graphs and infographics to facilitate their understanding.
Phase 2: Design and implementation of a system and tool for monitoring and evaluation of compliance with the Gender Equality Plan
Once the action plan was drafted, different indicators of effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability were designed to evaluate the management of the plan.
Next, a monitoring and evaluation tool was created, which would make it easy and self-manageable to extract information from the different indicators established in the equality plan. This tool was accompanied by a user’s guide for the staff of the Equality Committee and guidelines for drawing up the impact and results assessment report.
Phase 3: Study of the AMB gender pay gap
At the same time, to complement this consultancy service for the equality plan, a study of the institution’s pay gap was also carried out, where, broadly speaking, what was done was a comparative analysis of men’s and women’s salaries in order to identify and interpret the existing salary differences.