Evaluation and development of the monitoring tools of the #ChicasInTech project


For the past four years, the Esplai Foundation organize Chicas In Tech project that has designed methodologies for education with a gender perspective, creating meeting spaces between women and girls to generate role models and carry out campaigns to raise awareness about the gender gap in the STEM sector. The main activities organized by this project are:

  • Intergenerational events for young people with leading women in the STEM field
  • Didactic guides for the promotion of STEM
  • Course for professionals in the socio-educational field


The main objectives of the evaluation were:

  • Evaluate the effectiveness and impact of methodologies designed by gender-responsive education in the field of STEM.
  • Measure the active participation of the participants in the educational activities proposed in the project
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the collaborations and alliances established by the project with educational institutions, STEM organizations, and other relevant actors
  • Analyze the project’s ability to reach and impact a diverse audience
  • Assess the long-term sustainability of the project and its ability to scale

Methodology and tools for collecting information 

To carry out this evaluation with a gender perspective of #ChicasInTech two tools have been used to collect the information:

  • Documentary analysis:  this consisted of the collection, detailed reading and analysis of the contents of various relevant documents of the project (reports, explanatory documents of the activity that are part of the project, results of registration forms and evaluation of the activities, among others)
  • Semi-structured interviews: To complement the information collected, two semi-structured interviews were conducted with the technical people responsible for the foundation’s project.

Fundació Esplai - 2023

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