Training on how to carry out a gender pay gap study for the AMB Gender Equality Commission.

Broadly speaking, we could say that the pay gap is the indicator that measures pay inequality between women and men. This allows us to detect what the pay inequality is in our organisation in order to subsequently be able to apply measures to alleviate it.

As part of the consultancy service within the framework of the implementation of the 2nd Gender Equality Plan for the staff of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, one of the issues that it was considered essential to deal with was specific training for the equality committee. This was aimed at providing different tools and resources with the objective of training the members of the equality committee to be able to carry out the study of the gender pay gap in the institution’s next equality plan.

That is why, from LaGroc we were in charge of all the preparation, design and delivery of this 10-hour personalised training to the Equality Commission of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. This was done in a hybrid format, since one part of the training was face-to-face and the other virtual.

Main contents

Some of the contents covered in this training on the gender pay gap were as follows:

  • Concepts and causes of the pay gap and pay equity
  • Regulatory framework of the gender pay gap
  • Impact and application of RD 902/2020 in the civil service
  • Calculation of the pay gap
  • Tools and criteria for data interpretation
  • Job evaluation and application of the gender perspective
  • Action plans for the correction of the pay gap


Methodologically, the theoretical content of the training sessions on “How to elaborate the pay gap study” was accompanied by dynamic and participative activities with the main idea of practising the concepts worked on in the classroom. The main reason for implementing this technique is that practical activities increase learning and encourage teamwork.

For more information on this topic, we leave you the article we wrote for LabGroc on the gender pay gap.

Barcelona Metropolitan Area - 2022

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