Training in inclusive and non-sexist communication is a fundamental tool that allows us to critically analyse how we use language and provides us with different good practices to avoid any type of discrimination.
In this case, a series of face-to-face training sessions were held for the government team, councillors and section heads of Castelldefels City Council.
The main objectives of this training were:
- Raise awareness of the need to communicate in a non-androcentric and non-sexist way.
- To offer practical tools to apply an inclusive oral and written language in our daily lives.
- To raise awareness of the importance of inclusive and non-sexist non-verbal, visual and audiovisual communication and to provide students with good practices.
Broadly speaking, some of the contents that were worked on in the classroom are the following:
- Recommendations for a non-sexist and non-androcentric language: a set of resources that can be combined with each other were provided in order to avoid, as far as possible, the use of the generic masculine and the invisibilisation of women and non-binary people in language.
- Recommendations for an inclusive language: a set of resources were provided to be aware of the amount of racist, capacist, homophobic, homophobic, classist expressions that are used and providing alternatives to avoid their use.
- Recommendations for an inclusive visual and audiovisual communication: a set of good practices to be taken into account in order to commit to visual and audiovisual resources that are inclusive and that do not perpetuate stereotypes.
- Recommendations for inclusive non-verbal communication: a set of resources were provided to raise awareness of the impact of non-verbal communication (tone of voice, gaze, gestures, etc.) and what we need to do to change behaviour that may be discriminatory.
Methodologically, the theoretical content of the training sessions on inclusive and non-sexist communication was accompanied by dynamic and participative activities with the main idea of practising the concepts worked on in the classroom. The main reason for implementing this technique is that practical activities increase learning and encourage teamwork.
For more information, we leave you the article we wrote for LabGroc on inclusive and non-sexist communication.